Interested in participating in this year’s Next Generation [ ] Action?
Get In Touch!
We’d love to hear from you! We’re always eager to connect with students, innovators, and partners who share our vision. Don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s innovate together!
The Team

Marie Louise Pollmann-Larsen
Team Lead
+45 61 65 56 69
[email protected]
Marie is the Team Lead behind the Next Generation [ ] Action initiative. She has worked on multiple youth initiatives that target sustainable innovation and has brought a global perspective into the project’s core identity.

Björgvin Hjartarson
Project Coordinator
+ 45 27 84 20 07
[email protected]
Björgvin is the Project Coordinator behind the Next Generation [ ] Action initiative. He comes from a design engineering background and is passionate about using innovation as a tool for positive societal change.

Chiara Farné Fratini
Senior Researcher | DTU Sustain
[email protected]
Chiara works with management practices and organizational forms for the transformation and innovation of infrastructures and service sectors (e.g. water, energy and waste) aimed at sustainable development, climate change adaptation and mitigation. Her theoretical work focuses on Science and Technology Studies (STS), transition theories, organizational and institutional studies.

Peter Steen Mikkelsen
Professor | DTU Sustain
[email protected]
Peter works with integrated understanding, engineering and management of urban water systems. His transdisciplinary collaborations include e.g. risks and opportunities related to innovative climate adaptation of cities and digital transition.

Viggo Aaberg Kærn
Head of Innovation | DTU Sustain
[email protected]
Viggo works with bridging research and education with the outside world through innovation.

Asger Riis Rasmussen
Innovation Consultant | DTU Skylab
[email protected]
Asger organizes and coordinates the overall activities in the program, as well as contributes to the Young Entrepreneurs track. His background includes ten years as a TV-journalist with the Danish Broadcasting and almost a decade working with entrepreneurship.

Jawhara Hamoua
Jr. Design Consultant | Skylab
[email protected]
Jawhara contributes to the program with her skills in design and innovation, backed by entrepreneurial experience in both the private and humanitarian sectors.